This is our FAMILY RAINBOW. These are the families of the students of LH4. There are about 120 families: They are all different, all beautiful. Now, our Arts & Crafts classroom is a big family tree. We worked by ourselves, with little help of the teacher, that's why you can see all types of colours and shapes of families.

In the family trees, there are, mummies and dads, cousins, step-parents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, pets, grannies and grandpas, and even great grandmothers.

In one of our walls, we've dedicated a special space to the great grannies and daddies who are still alive. A tribute to those great grandparents who we are TREASURE for us. They are alive for almost a hundred years now, they've seen a lot.

Hau da gure FAMILI ORTZADARRA. Laugarren mailako ikasleen familiak dira, 120 bat familia eta ez dira bi berdinak: Denak desberdinak, denak politak, famili zuhaitza da orain gure plastika gela. Ez zaigu asko lagundu bakoitzak bere modura egin du, horregaitik atera dira kolore eta tamaina guztietakoak.

Familia zuhaitzean gurasoak, lehengusuak, izeba-osabak, aitona eta birramonak, aita eta amaordeak, maskotak ikus ditzakegu, besteak beste. Espero dugu zuen gustokoa izatea.

Gure ormetako batean, txoko berezi bat dedikatu diegu birraitonei eta birramonei, bizirik dauden horiei omenalditxo bat egin nahi izan diegu, zorte haundia dugulako gure artean edukitzeaz. Ia ehun urtez daude bizirik, asko ikusi dute. ALTXORRA dira. 

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